Children in Our Meeting
Weekly First Day School
On October 31st , in the garden of our former meetinghouse, Friends gathered to thank our beloved First Day School teacher Beverley Weiler upon her retirement.
On November 7th our First Day School (FDS) transitions to the new meetinghouse at 505 Camino de los Marquez. This is a big change for many and we hope more children and families join us in the coming months. FDS will continue with the same familiar routine. As attendance increases, we look forward to expanding into three age groups.
November’s theme is GRATITUDE and December’s is GIVING. Watch in the Digest for each week’s activity.
While we continue to search for a FDS program coordinator, parents and grandparents and older teen Friends will stand in as “teachers” and assistants. Those who interact with the children will wear brightly colored name badges, be fully vaccinated, pass child safety screening and training, and practice child safety guidelines. The Children and Youth Education Committee (CYEC) welcomes volunteers to assist with the program -- interested Friends should contact the CYEC co-clerks Allen Winchester and Nichoe Lichen.
All who arrive at meeting sign the Covid 19 contact tracing book. Inside the main meeting room, an optional seating area with quiet toys and activities is located to the right of the door. The door to the FDS rooms and library is to the right of that area. After a few minutes of worship, the children will leave for FDS where they’ll begin with a circle of sharing a thorn (sorrow), and rose (joy). They’ll probably hear a story and do a simple cooperative game or activity. Snacks served follow Meeting’s Covid 19 safe protocol (one preparer, one server). At 11:50 the children rejoin their parents/adults in worship and join in the rise of meeting greetings. Children are also welcome to remain with their families in meeting for the entire hour. We look forward to seeing parents who are not signed up to help with FDS during worship, though parents of very little ones might stay to help their child adjust.
Face masks and handwashing/sanitizing are standard practices for everyone age 3 and older. Covid 19 safe distancing limits the number of children and adults in the children’s indoor rooms, but when we’re outdoors, there is room for all, though masks are still worn.
For more information please contact: Betsy Lombardi,
Everyday! Family Devotionals (multiple time choices)
Thanks to NYYM Friend Emily Provance, families stretching from California to England are gathering daily for worship and fellowship! There is singing or centering, a story, and reflection on a simple query. These daily Zoom (videoconference) calls are designed for adults and children participating together. The audience primarily in mind is elementary school and preschool.PYM's Youth Religious Life Coordinator, Melinda Wenner Bradley, will be leading the 7:00pm times on Tuesdays and Thursdays.