Zoom Resources
From The New York Times, May 22, 2020. You may need to subscribe to read this.
• Try to avoid sitting in a place with strong light behind you
• Position your camera so it is stationary and shows your full face
• Eliminate/minimize background noise
• Mute yourself when you are not speaking
• You may rename yourself using your name from the participant drop down list
• Sit close to the microphone on your device so you can be heard clearly
• Speak more slowly and clearly than when face-to-face in person
• Turn off video if you are eating or drinking, leaving the room or need to move around
• Zoom participation can be tiring. Please be mindful of length of sharing time when giving feedback.
From the May 2020 issue of Friends Journal
Please join the Meeting's Zoom sessions at least five minutes before their listed time to begin.
To learn how to join a Zoom session for the first time, please refer to the video from the link below, titled the following: "Zoom meetings: how to join for the first time (video)."
Instructions to install the Zoom mobile app on Windows, macOS, and Linux computers, as well as on iOS and Android phones, can be found via the link below:
How to Install Zoom on Your Device.
Most of our Meeting's Zoom sessions are set up to have waiting rooms instead of passwords, so all that a participant must do is launch Zoom with a Zoom invitation link or meeting ID and wait for the host to let them into the session. All invitation links on SFMM's public website calendar and on the "Events at-a-Glance" section of the public website have been activated, in order to enable participants to simply click or tap on them to launch Zoom, as opposed to having to manually copy the links and enter them into the Zoom app.
Some of our Meeting's Zoom sessions, such as the virtual Meeting for Healing sessions, have passwords and no waiting rooms. In order to join one of these sessions, participants must click on the invitation link for the session and then enter the password to get into the session when prompted to do so. Unless these sessions are private, the passwords are included next to the invitation links on SFMM's public website calendar and on the "Events at-a-Glance" section of the public website.
In order to decrease the chances of having technical difficulties with Zoom, ensure that you have the latest version of Zoom by implementing the latest Zoom software updates. Videos with instructions for implementing these software updates on computers and phones can be found via the links below:
How to Update Zoom Software on Your Computer.
How to Update Zoom Software on Your Phone.
At times, a Zoom participant’s communication through their device's mic may sound distorted to other participants, especially if the device's camera is on. One way to mitigate the distorted sound is to turn the camera off when communicating through the mic. Another way to mitigate the distorted sound is to keep the device's mic muted and camera on while using a separate device to dial in to the Zoom session by phone to unmute when communicating. A complete guide to troubleshooting audio issues on Zoom can be found via the link below:
To join a Zoom session by dialing in by phone, dial one of the numbers listed under the Zoom meeting's invitation (any of these numbers will allow a participant to dial in from the United States). Enter the meeting ID, followed by #, when you hear the operator instruct you to do so. Simply enter # again, after you hear the operator say, "Enter your participant ID, followed by #, otherwise, just press # to continue." When the operator tells you that the host has let you into the Zoom session, you can press *6 to unmute and press *6 again to mute, and you can press *9 to electronically raise your hand and press *9 again to lower your hand. Your name will appear to other participants as your phone number, and the host can rename you.
If a participant has joined a Zoom session using the Zoom app on their phone and would like to connect to audio by dialing in, they may do so by selecting the option to dial in when it automatically appears or by selecting "Join Audio" and then "Dial In" on their options menu. Then, they can select a number to dial in from a list of numbers that automatically appears (any of these numbers will allow a participant to dial in from the United States). After calling one of these numbers, the participant can manually enter the meeting ID and participant ID (which are included below the list of dial-in numbers), when instructed to do so by the operator. The participant can also wait on the line for both IDs to automatically get entered for them.
Currently, all of the dial-in numbers for Zoom invitations with SFMM are numbers that allow participants to dial in from the United States. Settings can be changed in the SFMM Zoom 1 account to add dial-in numbers that allow participants to dial in from outside the United States. More information can be found via the link below:
How to Add International Dial-in Numbers to Zoom Invitations.
Please explore the links below for other information about Zoom.
using Zoom Meeting ID
If you are joining meetings by manually entering a Meeting ID,
please check the website calendar.