Racial Justice Working Group

Statement of Equality 7.17.22.pdf

RESOURCES - General History

The Other Slavery - Andrés Reséndez - 2017 - ISBN: 978-0-544-94710-8 

Native American slavery and debt peonage from 1492 to present.

   Sobering, informative, well-documented and well-written.

White Shell Water Place - F. Richard Sanchez, ed. - 2010 - ISBN: 978-0-86534-787-8

An Anthology of Native American Reflections on the 400th Anniversary of the Founding of Santa Fe,     New Mexico.

Not "A Nation of Immigrants" - Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz - 2021 - ISBN: 978-0-8070-5558-8

Settler Colonialism, White Supremacy, and a History of Erasure and Exclusion

The Three-Cornered War - Megan Kate Nelson - 2020 - ISBN: 978-1-5011-5255-9

The Union, the Confederacy, and Native Peoples in the Fight for the West

Kearny's March - Winston Groom - 2010 - ISBN: 978-0-307-45574-1

The role of Stephen Watts Kearny's expedition in the much broader context of the Mexican-American War.

New Mexico in the Mexican-American War - Ray John de Aragón - 2019 - ISBN: 978-1-4671-4131-4

Native New Mexican account of events during the Mexican-American War.

RESOURCES - Land Acknowledgement

The Land Remembers, by Paula Palmer, Friends Journal, Feb 1, 2020

We are related through the land. Wherever we live, how can we begin to acknowledge this; to celebrate it; to work toward a relationship with Native people based on truth, respect, justice, and our shared humanity? What difference would it make for the descendants of the people who first loved this land and for all the rest of us? (Paula Palmer)


Website for Towards High Relationships with Native Americans. Friends Peace Teams

Many text and video resources are noted, including upcoming events.


"So you began your event with an Indigenous land acknowledgment" .... National Public Radio. March 15, 2003 - Indigenous leaders and activists have mixed feelings about land acknowledgments. While some say they are a waste of time, others are working to make the well-meaning but often empty speeches more useful.


 Truth and Reconciliation and Land Acknowledgements, Canadian Friends Service Committee

We asked Ellen Gabriel, [Canadian Indigenous. Leader] how do you feel about land acknowledgments? Her insights help deepen our understanding of land and reconciliation. 


Guidance Materials found in New Mexico Examples



RESOURCES - Current Issues

Green Fire Times - Vol. 16 No. 4 - July/August 2024 - "Indigenous Solutions"

Water - Energy - Agriculture - Land Stewardship - Education - Community Development - Cultural Tourism



We are on the unceded lands of the Tewa people, other indigenous peoples, other beings, and also the traveling lands of many nations in the Río Grande Rift Valley. We recognize and are grateful for the ongoing stewardship and contemporary and past contributions of indigenous people to this land their rights to sovereignty, respect, and safety here.

QUERIES - Land Acknowledgement Worship Sharing - 21 July 2024

1.         Language of the statement.

What do you think our full responsibility is to our Indigenous neighbors in light of the Land Acknowledgement?


2.         Recompense for historical wrongs.

As newcomers, we want to seek a different relationship with Indigenous stewards of the land where we are. What would right relationships look like?


3.         Going forward, what are we led to do as individuals and as a Meeting?

How do we help Indigenous messages get through to white communities? What forms might this take?